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Multi-Port Stack Valves
Multi-port stack valves feature two multi-port ball valves actuated through a common stem. Applications include manifold switching, pressure selecting and venting, instrumentation test equipment, media sampling, and distribution systems. Custom ball porting is offered to provide flow solutions that meet all requirements.
Common Applications:
Actuator Switching Controls
Fuel Supply & Return
Common control of more than one independent function
Multi-Port Stack Valves


35000BV Series
4 & 5-Way Multi-Port Stack Ball Valve
Pressure Rating up to 1500 P.S.I.

9000BV Series
8 & 9-Way Multi-Port Stack Ball Valve
Pressure Rating up to 1500 P.S.I.

9000 Series Overview Sheet

With the pointer handle over B and B1, flow pattern is between ports A – B and A1. – B1.
Turning the pointer handle from B and B1 to A and A1 will create flow pattern between ports D – A and D1 – A1.
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